
The Algorithms of life - Guided morning journal

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The Algorithms of life journal - your guided morning journal. 

Crafted as an elegant table book with the intellect of a guided journal it's both Interior with intention. Research shows journaling and gratitude can: 

  • Lower stress
  • Set & reach goals
  • Increase focus & motivation
  • Enhance mental & physical health

Contains simple & profound practices on:

  • Gratitude
  • Affirmations
  • Visualization 
  • Reflection 
  • Accountability lists so you can make your days count 

Why travel sized? 
We believe it should be easy to bring everywhere you go. To the office, to the gym, when traveling or on the go.  What is simple sticks, and since it's an attractive table book you wanna have it where you see it. 

The Algorithms of life journal is not your accountability partner, but a way for you to hold yourself accountable. A tool not to necessarily track yourself but to hold yourself on track. 

Why 66 days?

Some science says it takes 66 days for us to reprogramme our subconscious mind and to let go of old habits and create new ones. That is why this journal is created for 66 days. Of course we’re hoping you’re seeing this as the start to the rest of your life since we know it’s those Daily doses of seemingly small things that add up. If you stop working out, your strength will decrease; the same goes for journaling.

How is The Algorithms of life different from other journals?

We believe in making journaling a daily, attractive and attainable habit. Therefore it's crafted as an elegant table book with the intellect with a journal for you to wanna have it where you can see it.

It has a written introduction, a users manual, two check lists for 66 days transformation and simple yet profound practices that help you stay on track.

It's also made travel sized for you to be able to bring it where ever you go. To the office, wellness studio, from a hotel or to the beach? Attractive and attainale, who ever you are, where ever you are.

Product information

Organization and believe your teams wellbeing impacts your results?

We believe people who feel good create better results. Put mental health on the agenda, walk the walk, and use the scientific benefits for your team.


Premium hotel or resort and want to enhance the experience for your guests?

We believe luxury is a feeling to be felt and it requires a moment of harmony and reflection. Gift them a gift with a deeper meaning, and a feeling that will last a lifetime.


Did you know journaling can?


The Algorithms of life

What if there is an algorithm to life? What if just like in social media where you get more of the content you choose to like, you get more in life of what you choose to focus on?

In a world filled of distractions we have to fill our cup first to thirst for what's actually right for us and to thrive and not just strive.

We believe in the science of what journaling, gratitude practice and Daíly reflection can do for our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing and want you to experience this too.


Release stress & reach goals

It’s said that our subconscious mind controls 95 percent of our decision making and the beliefs which shape our lives. Some say the power of our subconscious is a million times greater than our conscious mind and that journaling, affirmations and visualization may be terrific tools to help take control of our lives. Scientists say daily journaling may help to: